oh, hai there.

thanks for visiting my space. i'm a mom, wife, baker, florist, and sometimes i code.
i really enjoy finding corners of the web to explore- like any old person, i've been around since the birth of the internet, and watching it evolve has been joyful.
there's something peacefully nostalgic though about going back. this website is an exploration of my inner child through a reclamation of the stuff that have brought me joy through my life.
this site will be random. i'll share silly stuff, and fun stuff, and stuff i've collected. but most importantly, i'll comfortably share who i am.

site updates.
4/9/24: added new dolls i customized from Dollz Revival and The Dollie Palace to the dollhouse, with new backstories and lore! ♥ + bloggy stuff.
4/6/24: never done. added a new music player to replace the faulty one on my site, and new gifs.
4/5/24: done-ish! i've got all the major parts in, and added little fun things like my site button and updates to the dollhouse.
4/4/24: refining! i moved around my layout and added more colors and boxes.
4/2/24: started my site! i found all these images and got my layout done today.
4/3/24: refined my layout, added floats reluctantly. it's been hard to shake what i know and go back to vanilla.
currently listening to...